Friday, January 24, 2020

An Inspector Calls by J.B. Priestley :: Papers

An Inspector Calls by J.B. Priestley Introduction: The play was written in 1945, but the play was set in 1912, before the 2nd World War when people talked confidently of the future, unaware of the disasters to come. Part 1: Mr. Birling is very self-cantered, doesn't like to be proved wrong and he thinks low-class people are not as good as him. Mr. Birling is very competitive and if Sheila marries Gerald Croft the son of Mr. Birling's competition, then he will not have to worry about losing profit if Mr. Birling and Gerald Croft's father join sides. He wants his daughter married to a high-class family because he doesn't want her in a low-class family. My first impression of Sheila is that she doesn't care about anyone but herself, she is very stuck up, excitable and jealous and she is excited about her marriage to Gerald Croft, her father also spoils her Part 2: When Mr. Birling first meets the inspector, he is very surprised that the inspector thinks that he and his family had anything to do with the death of Eva Smith, he begins to ask the inspector questions because Mr. Birling knows most of the police in the area and thinks the inspector is a fake. When Sheila first meets the inspector she does not understand why he is there and asks what is going on. She is shocked at the fact that the inspector thinks her father was the cause of Eva Smith committing suicide, and also shocked at the fact that her father fired Eva Smith for asking for enough money to live on because Mr. Birling was paying her below minimum wage. She is very different to Mr. Birling because Mr. Birling doesn't care about the fact that a woman has committed suicide because of him, whereas Sheila does and she can't stop thinking about it. Part 3: Mr. Birling acts very calm when the inspector starts asking questions, but as he starts asking more personal questions, for example when Eva An Inspector Calls by J.B. Priestley :: Papers An Inspector Calls by J.B. Priestley Introduction: The play was written in 1945, but the play was set in 1912, before the 2nd World War when people talked confidently of the future, unaware of the disasters to come. Part 1: Mr. Birling is very self-cantered, doesn't like to be proved wrong and he thinks low-class people are not as good as him. Mr. Birling is very competitive and if Sheila marries Gerald Croft the son of Mr. Birling's competition, then he will not have to worry about losing profit if Mr. Birling and Gerald Croft's father join sides. He wants his daughter married to a high-class family because he doesn't want her in a low-class family. My first impression of Sheila is that she doesn't care about anyone but herself, she is very stuck up, excitable and jealous and she is excited about her marriage to Gerald Croft, her father also spoils her Part 2: When Mr. Birling first meets the inspector, he is very surprised that the inspector thinks that he and his family had anything to do with the death of Eva Smith, he begins to ask the inspector questions because Mr. Birling knows most of the police in the area and thinks the inspector is a fake. When Sheila first meets the inspector she does not understand why he is there and asks what is going on. She is shocked at the fact that the inspector thinks her father was the cause of Eva Smith committing suicide, and also shocked at the fact that her father fired Eva Smith for asking for enough money to live on because Mr. Birling was paying her below minimum wage. She is very different to Mr. Birling because Mr. Birling doesn't care about the fact that a woman has committed suicide because of him, whereas Sheila does and she can't stop thinking about it. Part 3: Mr. Birling acts very calm when the inspector starts asking questions, but as he starts asking more personal questions, for example when Eva

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Succubus Blues EPILOGUE

â€Å"Casey's out sick,† Paige told me briskly, putting on her coat. â€Å"So you'll probably have to cover for her on the registers.† â€Å"It's no problem.† I leaned against her office wall. â€Å"Keeps things interesting, you know?† Pausing, she gave me a brief smile. â€Å"I really appreciate you coming in like this – on such short notice.† She patted her stomach absentmindedly. â€Å"I'm sure it's nothing, but I've had this pain all day – â€Å" â€Å"No, it's fine. Go. You have to take care of yourself. You have to take care of both of you.† She smiled at me again, picking up her purse and walking to the door. â€Å"Doug's skulking around here somewhere if you need help, so make him do it. Hmm†¦ there was one other thing I needed to tell you†¦ Oh yeah – there's something for you in your office. I left it on your chair.† Butterflies shot through my stomach at her words. â€Å"W-what is it?† â€Å"You'll have to see. I've got to go.† I followed Paige out of her office and turned uncertainly into my own. The last thing left on my chair had been an envelope from Roman, one more piece in his twisted game of love and hate. Oh God, I thought. I knew it wouldn't be as easy as Carter had said. Roman's back, starting it all up again, waiting for me to – I stared, swallowing a gasp. The Glasgow Pact sat on my chair. Gingerly, I picked up the book, handling it like fine china. It was my copy, the one I had given Seth to sign over a month ago. I'd forgotten all about it. Opening up the inside cover, I saw lavender rose petals fall out. There were only a handful of them, but they were more precious to me than any of the bouquets I'd received this month. Trying to catch them, I read: To Thetis, Long overdue, I know, but very often the things we most desire come only after much patience and struggle. That is a human truth, I think. Even Peleus knew that. – Seth â€Å"He's back, you know.† â€Å"Huh?† I looked up from the baffling inscription to see Doug leaning against the doorframe. He nodded toward my book. â€Å"Mortensen. He's up in the cafe again, typing away as usual.† I closed the book, holding it tightly with both hands. â€Å"Doug†¦ are you up on your Greek mythology?† He snorted. â€Å"Don't insult me, Kincaid.† † Thetisand Peleus†¦ they were Achilles' parents, right?† â€Å"Indeed they were,† he told me, smug with the confidence of his area of expertise. For my part, I was simply puzzled. I didn't really get the inscription or understand why Seth would reference the Trojan War's greatest warrior. â€Å"Do you know the rest?† Doug asked me expectantly. â€Å"What? That Achilles was a dysfunctional psychopath? Yeah, I know that.† â€Å"Well, yeah, everyone knows that. I mean the really cool part. About Thetis and Peleus.† I shook my head, and he continued, professor-like, † Thetiswas a sea nymph, and Peleus was a mortal who loved her. Only, when he went to woo her, she was a real bitch about it.† â€Å"How so?† â€Å"She was a shape-shifter.† I nearly dropped the book. â€Å"What?† Doug nodded. â€Å"He approached her, and she turned into all sorts of shit to scare him off – wild animals, forces of nature, monsters, whatever.† â€Å"What†¦what'd he do?† â€Å"He held on. Grabbed her and wouldn't let go through all of those terrible transformations. No matter what she turned into, he just held on.† â€Å"Then what?† I could barely hear my own voice. â€Å"She finally turned back into a woman and stayed a woman. Then they got married.† I had stopped breathing somewhere around the word â€Å"shape-shifter.† Still clutching the book, I stared off into space, a great winged feeling swelling in my chest. â€Å"You all right, Kincaid? Christ, you've been weird lately.† I blinked, tuning back in to reality. The feeling in my chest burst out, launching into glorious flight. I started breathing again. â€Å"Yeah. Sorry. I've just had a lot on my mind.† Forcing levity, I added, â€Å"I'll do my best not to be too weird from now on.† Doug looked relieved. â€Å"Coming from you, that might be a long shot, but here's to hoping.† â€Å"Yes,† I agreed, smiling. â€Å"Here's to hoping.†

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Depression in Emerging Adulthood - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1472 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2019/04/15 Category Psychology Essay Level High school Topics: Depression Essay Did you like this example? Depression takes a toll in todays world of emerging adults because of being depressed in the past or currently going through it. Emerging adults are those who are currently entering adulthood; ages 18 through 25. Many teens and soon to be adults are already going through depression and dont like to mention it. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Depression in Emerging Adulthood" essay for you Create order Others may like to be open about their depression and receive help. However, for those who remain quiet about it allow their depression to eat them alive. Not literally, but it is unhealthy for their well-being. Depression may occur from genetics, transitions in life, not getting support from friends and family, abuse, and not getting enough sleep. Everyones depression may be major and some are minor. However, no one should ever be going through depression. Help can be found anywhere for those who are currently going through it and no one should keep quiet about this mental illness. In todays world of emerging adults, some may have received their depression from the transition from high school to college, going from dependent into learning how to grow and become independent, or from making big life decisions that predict their future. Also, their depression may have occurred when they were in high school or back when they were younger. Depression affects many aspects of an individua ls life such as their cognitive, emotional, social, and physical identity. The cognitive aspect of an emerging adult consists of their intelligence, perception, attention, memory, and the ability to think and solve problems. Depression blurs all of these aspects and messes up the way a person perceives things. As emerging adults become depressed and unconscious of their depression, they begin to feel hopeless and unsure about their life. The choices they make arent wise and dont contain any thought into the situation. Eventually, they face the consequences of their bad choices and it makes them more depressed. When depression takes part into life decisions, emerging adults are given so much pressure. They are entering adulthood learning how to be independent and have to make choices on their own without the parents help. Once they make these life decisions, its like rolling a die, you either make the right decision or you make the worse out of the situation. As bad as it is, we have no other choice but to jeopardize any life decision. Likewise, a study show s that stress from the transition of high school to college leads to distortions cognitively, and general health among college students. Their health can be affected from stress, high blood pressure, and becoming emotionless (Dhanalakshmi 2014). As a result of the transition to college, emerging adults have distortions cognitively. Meaning they perceive things the wrong way. They begin to feel hopeless even though its just the depression talking.Maybe they think they made the wrong decision which leads to being depressed. As depression affects the cognitive aspect of emerging adults, so do the emotions of an emerging adult. Emotions are what define a persons personality and everyone has them no matter what they say. Emerging adults, and everyone else, can either show their emotions towards something, such as for a person, their desire, or what they like or dislike. However, some like to box their emotions and never express them. People would consider them cold-blooded. Sometimes an emerging adult would hide their emotions because they dont want to look vulnerable. Also, they dont want to be judged by people because they dont want their problems to be someone elses. For those who like to reveal their emotions and show it, they have no problem on what others think. Sometimes its better to pour out your emotions to let it out instead of not expressing them at all. When depression affects an emerging adults emotions, it sucks. Everything about them makes them feel like theyre not good enough. If an emerging adult fails at one thing such as not making time with their friends then it makes them depressed and messes up their emotions. They feel like they fail at everything and that one person over not spending time with them. That is why people need to watch what they say to others because they never know if they are going to hurt their feelings. Growing up, my mom told me if I dont have anything nice to say then dont say it all. People dont put any thought into their actions or words without putting other peoples emotions into consideration. In a study, emerging adults were examined and distinguished between their depression with positive and negative emotions. It consisted of 30 people, 15 were depressed inpatients and the other 15 were normal, and they displayed schematic faces to test them. The depressed patients were significantly slower to respond to positive faces than normal subjects (Suslow 2001). As depression messes up the emotions of an emerging adult, so does their social life. Emerging adults always have to go socialize to do day-to-day tasks. Talking is mostly what every individual does on a day-to-day basis. Depression and the social life of an emerging adult is greatly affected. When emerging adults make big decisions such as moving away and going to college, their friends back home and the friendship are greatly impacted. Sometimes the emerging adult may cut them off or hardly socialize with them. As terrible as it sounds, its life and we have to make decisions. Communication goes both ways with friendships and if one person doesnt put in the effort then what is the point. It makes the emerging adult depressed when they have to stop talking to their best friend because they have made the decision to move away to pursue their dreams and ambitions. However, they will eventually make more friends once theyre off to college so they wont be as depressed. In a study, they mention that emotions occur frequently and often intense in situations at college and u niversity (Pekrun 2007). College students tend to be peer pressured to do things and give in. They end up hurting themselves and their emotions at the end of the day which makes them depressed. What people need to know is that the strongest thing to say is no. Not only does depression affect the social life of an emerging adult but they destroy their physique. Everyone is given one body and it is our job to take care of it to the best of our ability. Depressed emerging adults have troubles of taking care of their health. Their depression makes them either lack sleep or get too much sleep. Either or is terrible and adults should range of getting 7-8 hours of sleep a night. Irritation and being tired happens when emerging adults dont get enough sleep. If lack of sleep keeps occuring, adults are at risk for heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes. A study reveals the side effects of being depressed and long-term depression. It showed that depression affects the brain and the heart. Being depressed long-term can make you get blood clots and risk a heart attack (Tracy 2018). As scary as it sounds, emerging adults need to take care of their body or else they will face the consequences. To take care of their physique, they can go to the gym or go for a run while playing pumped up music. This takes their depression off their mind and at the same time, they are taking care of their health. Being depressed affect emerging adults physically with their body and it makes them sluggish. The worst thing an emerging adult can do with their depression is just being sluggish and allowing their depression to control them. Depression affects an emerging adult mentally, emotionally, socially, and physically. Basically, everything that an adult needs to take care of since theyre constantly going through transitions in life. For instance, when an adult has to make a decision on how they want to plan their life, they have no other support but themselves. Family and friends can agree with your decisions, but if the decision doesnt end up great then its the adults fault. This leads to them being depressed over making the wrong decision and it messes with their head. They begin to think theyre not good enough or they made a complete fool of themselves. However, that is just the way life is. We make decisions based on what we think is right and sometimes were right or wrong. Emerging adults have to learn how to learn from their mistakes. That is how we grow as individuals. An adults mental state by self-criticism affects them poorly, their emotions become twisted, they may feel socially rejected at times, and their physique may not be up to par. Adults need to stop allowing depression take control of their lives and take control. Emerging adults need to know their self-importance and fulfill their dreams and ambitions.